
ADHD Treatment

High-quality, affordable, and patient-centered ADHD telemedicine services in the states of New Mexico and Kansas.

What Is ADHD?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects 5% to 8% of school-aged children and may persist into adulthood. Signs and symptoms are typically present before age 12 for at least 6 months and present in at least two settings. These symptoms negatively affect important areas of functioning and cause significant impairment. 

What Are The Symptoms of ADHD?
  • Inability to pay attention to details causing careless mistakes in activities
  • Inability to maintain attention in tasks or activities
  • Inability to listen when being spoken to directly (mind wandering)
  • Inability to follow through with instructions, hence unable to complete tasks
  • Difficulty with organizing tasks and activities
  • Avoids or dislikes tasks that requires sustained concentration or mental effort 
  • Often misplaces objects required to complete tasks
  • Easily distracted by external stimuli
  • Often forgetful in daily activities 
  • Fidgety, taps, or squirms in seat
  • Leaves seat in situations that requires to remain seated 
  • Runs or climbs when inappropriate
  • Unable to engage in leisure activities quietly
  • Acts as if driven by a motor
  • Often talkative
  • Difficulty waiting their turn
  • Blurts out answer before question is completed 
  • Interrupts others in activities or conversations

How Is ADHD Diagnosed?

Having the symptoms mentioned does not necessarily mean you have ADHD. Symptoms of ADHD often overlap with other mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Diagnosis of ADHD is made by completing a detailed comprehensive psychiatric and medical history, physical examination, testimonials from parents and teachers using validated rating scales and objective ADHD testing.

Get A Diagnosis Today!

Contact Blissful Minds for online psychiatry mental health treatment in New Mexico

How Is A Diagnosis Test Done At Blissful Minds?

As part of our protocol, Blissful Minds requires that you complete objective testing to confirm diagnosis of ADHD once your initial comprehensive assessment is completed. This is required regardless of how long you have been treated for ADHD except you can provide documentation for objective testing at the time of evaluation.

There are two ways you could complete this objective ADHD testing:

  1. Schedule an appointment with a clinical psychologist for ADHD evaluation.
  2. Complete an online ADHD objective testing powered by QBtech, the widest FDA Cleared medical device for assessing and monitoring ADHD, through Blissful Minds.

Online ADHD Testing Powered By QBTech

QbCheck is an advanced test of objective symptoms associated with ADHD. It is FDA cleared to aid the professional in ADHD diagnosis and ADHD treatment. Blissful Minds is the only provider in the area to provide this innovative remote virtual ADHD testing. By using a PC or Mac, QbCheck is used to gain a clear understanding of your symptoms. 

During the test, you will be asked to perform a 15 or 20-minute computer-based task. The task measures your ability to maintain attention and impulse control. Meanwhile, a web camera uses facial recognition technology to track your movements during the test. The test results are used to create a report which compares your performance to the performance of other people of the same sex and age, without ADHD.

How Much Does The Test Cost?

This test may not be covered by certain insurance plans. Your insurance will be billed for this test if we determine that it is covered. For cash pay patients, Blissful Minds charges $150 for this test.

How Is ADHD Treated?

ADHD treatment includes either stimulant or non-stimulant options.

What Are Stimulants for ADHD?

Stimulants are medications that boost chemicals like dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain. 

Although these medications help decrease the symptoms associated with ADHD so that these individuals have better attention span and behavior to adapt to their everyday life, there is a high potential for abuse and addiction with this class of medication especially for individuals with a history of addiction.

People who have underlying heart conditions, are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, breastfeeding, glaucoma, anxiety, tics, Tourette’s, psychosis, or taken certain medications within 14 days cannot take these medications as they could cause further complications. Common side effects include headache, upset stomach, difficulty sleeping, higher blood pressure and heart rate, loss of appetite, anxiety, and tics. 

Note that Blissful Minds requires routine urine drug screening and ECGs if these medications will be prescribed. 

What Are Non-Stimulants for ADHD?

Non-stimulants are medications which have also been shown to improve ADHD symptoms by working on chemicals in the brain such as norepinephrine. Unlike stimulants which work almost immediately, these medications may take up to 2 to 6 weeks before it reaches its maximum effectiveness. These medications however work round the clock unlike stimulants which may work up to 12 hours a day. Side effects include dry mouth, headache, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, hot flashes, urinary hesitancy and retention, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Your provider may recommend a non-stimulant initially before trying a stimulant due to low risk of dependence.

Other reasons this medication may be considered are:

  1. If stimulants were ineffective for you in the past
  2. If you had side effects to stimulants
  3. Having other conditions that contraindicate use
  4. Having other mental health conditions like anxiety
  5. History of substance abuse


New Mexico: 10409 Montgomery PKWY NE #202b Albuquerque, NM 87111

Kansas: 8700 Monrovia
Suite 310

Lenexa KS 66215

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