
Mental Health Treatment

High-quality, affordable, and patient-centered mental health treatment in the states of New Mexico and Kansas.


Obesity is defined as a chronic, relapsing, multi-factorial, neurobehavioral disease, wherein an increase in body fat promotes adverse health consequences.


Experiencing a depressed or irritable mood, lack of interest in pleasurable activities, feelings of hopelessness, as well as problems with appetite, sleep, energy and suicidal thoughts.


Anxiety is an unpleasant state where the individual constantly worries about the possibility of future dangers and threats, safety, or upsetting events.


Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, commonly known as ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that negatively affects important areas of functioning and causes significant impairment during daily life.


Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) comprises of recurrent rituals, compulsions, intrusive thoughts, and preoccupations that are time consuming, causing severe distress to the person, and impairment in important areas of daily functioning.


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the collection of symptoms individuals may develop in response to a traumatic experience. Learn more about the classification of PTSD symptoms according to the DSM 5.


There are two types of bipolar disorders: Bipolar I and Bipolar II. Mania is the hallmark symptom of Bipolar I & hypomania is the hallmark symptom for Bipolar II.


Sleep is extremely critical to our health. Sleep allows us to regenerate energy, restore muscle tissues, and improves cognition. It’s important to seek treatment to remain healthy.


Individuals experiencing grief may have a loss of appetite, insomnia, guilt, anger, sadness, and trouble concentrating. Speaking with a professional can help.

Mental Health Treatment Inquiries?


New Mexico: 10409 Montgomery PKWY NE #202b Albuquerque, NM 87111

Kansas: 8700 Monrovia
Suite 310

Lenexa KS 66215
